What to Do With the Things You Hate About Yourself

We all have things we don't like about ourselves. We all have ideal images of ourselves that we wish we could be. And we've all heard different pieces of advice on what to do with those parts of ourselves that we wish we could change. It's like there are two doors to choose from. On … Continue reading What to Do With the Things You Hate About Yourself

How to Win Back the NFL

Lately I've seen politics getting much more blatant in the NFL. Whether or not I agree with any particular political spin is neither here nor there. For me (and I think for a lot of other people), the issue is that there are politics in the NFL at all. Most people noticed politics being added to … Continue reading How to Win Back the NFL

An Arrow Pointing to Heaven: The Power of One Man’s Pain

Have you ever heard of Rich Mullins? It's ok if you haven't. He was a singer/songwriter who purposely stayed out of the spotlight and instead allowed other artists to perform his songs on the big stages. He died on September 19, 1997, and his last concert was performed in a living room on September 13. If … Continue reading An Arrow Pointing to Heaven: The Power of One Man’s Pain

Beauty, Friendship, Emptiness

Beauty, friendship, and that emptiness that shows up in the pit of your gut. All compelling topics. They may not be the easiest topics, but somehow discussing them with friends makes them more interesting and less overwhelming. So, friend, let's begin. The Setup A friend of mine posted this link on facebook: http://elitedaily.com/life/greatest-moments-clarity-life-realizing-things-didnt-work-youre-better/773523/ It's an … Continue reading Beauty, Friendship, Emptiness

Whose Fault is it Anyway?

 The Setup I just read something that challenged my entire view of the world. It was... A bunch of comments on the internet. They weren't full of snappy one-liners. They didn't sound inspiring or encouraging. And they certainly weren't deep or hopeful, or really even all that thoughtful. No, these were just the everyday run-of-the-mill comments we've all … Continue reading Whose Fault is it Anyway?